Accumulator or cooler in the form of a sheet, with 2 sides, one plastic and the other permeable and divided into cells. It absorbs water through the permeable side.
After its subsequent freezing, it becomes a cold pack.
The user can cut with scissors in the space between cells, preferably dry.
▪ Easy to activate, when shipping is required.
▪ Quick availability, after 24 hours in freezer.
▪ Comes in different formats, depending on user preference.
▪ Does not lose water upon thawing, hydrated cell retains water in gel form.
▪ Flexible when handled during packaging.
▪ Reduced space during storage prior to activation.
▪ Lightweight, thus avoiding increasing the weight of the packages containing it.
▪ Keep dry until used.
▪ Immerse in water by placing the absorbent side down.
▪ Check that it has taken the weight that corresponds.
▪ Drain or dry, avoiding any drops of water on the outside, which when frozen would cause cells to stick to each other.
▪ Place in freezer for 24 h, absorbent side up.
▪ Keep in freezer until use.
▪ When using place absorbent side down and printed plastic side up.
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